This morning I woke up and checked my site. There is a free tool every webmaster must own and you can get it here
This tool will check how many pages are indexed in Goo-gle, Yah-oo, and MS-N, and give you lots of great information on your site. It is a must have!
Anyway, I just finished rebuilding all my links that were broken because I changed hosting, and just in the nick of time, Goo-gle bot apparently visited and indexed my entire site, link pages and all! I am overjoyed at this. I went from only have 12 pages indexed to over a hundred indexed. Now, hopefully I will get some PR out of it all after the data crunching is done.
Today, I added two pages to my site, about the promotional and match bonuses.
Match Bonus
Promotional Bonus
I didn't menace any words on what I thought about the promo bonus. A bad deal. I suspect I am only one out of a few that tell people NOT to go after the promo bonus. Most affiliates gain commissions based on what their visitors lose, and they put the promo bonus front and center on their sites. is a class act and will not do that. I want to gain my visitors trust and confidence by telling it like it is, and honestly will push our site in the future to the top as a true authority in the online gabling industry.
I seemed to have gained a new "groupie" member, and I am happy to return the favor. Welcome Alana! Your site is now featured on my links, and I'll visit your blog everyday as promised, posting comments and edifying you as best as I can. Actually I am sincere as I do enjoy reading your blog, most blogs are absolute bores, but yours is a notable exception.
A question for Franklin: How are you doing with your site? How long has it been? Any success with affiliate marketing?
Bye for now.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Bonusing - No requirements
I am now finished rebuilding all my links, and am very happy. I am going to start doing more link exchanges, usually during the first five days of the month. That way, everybody I put a link on my site has thirty days to return the favor. At the beginning of each month, I will use my SEO Elite to track who is linking back to me. I have to pull those that aren't off, or otherwise it could be problematic and diminished all those that are linking back to me.
Today, I updated
I am going to spend a week on this category alone. Think of this as a rough draft, I will modify it in the next few days, as well as adding subpages and links. But it is a start.
Thinking about bonuses in general, there is so much hype about bonuses, and I don't see very many affiliate sites and portals stepping up to help the consumer get the best deal. As always, it is driven by greed and commissions. will be a cut above the rest. I want the gambler to get the best bang for his/her buck. Some of these bonus deals are so bad and dishonest, it is a wonder why nobody hasn't taken the lead in helping the wayward gambler find the right bonus for him/her.
So far, I have profiled Vegas Towers casino. No wagering requirements to meet, no game restrictions, and up to $50 dollars free to play with. The catch here is simple, that fifty dollars is subtracted from the first cash out. Many land based casinos offer a similar promotion. They give you a special chip that cannot be cashed in, just put in play. When you win, you win real money, and you can keep playing with that special chip until you lose it. This is probably the most honest of all bonuses, give the gambler a decent incentive and let him play whatever he/she wants, and as long as he/she wants. I just wish they would make it a little more then $50 dollars, but perfect for blackjack and video poker players.
More tomorrow.
Today, I updated
I am going to spend a week on this category alone. Think of this as a rough draft, I will modify it in the next few days, as well as adding subpages and links. But it is a start.
Thinking about bonuses in general, there is so much hype about bonuses, and I don't see very many affiliate sites and portals stepping up to help the consumer get the best deal. As always, it is driven by greed and commissions. will be a cut above the rest. I want the gambler to get the best bang for his/her buck. Some of these bonus deals are so bad and dishonest, it is a wonder why nobody hasn't taken the lead in helping the wayward gambler find the right bonus for him/her.
So far, I have profiled Vegas Towers casino. No wagering requirements to meet, no game restrictions, and up to $50 dollars free to play with. The catch here is simple, that fifty dollars is subtracted from the first cash out. Many land based casinos offer a similar promotion. They give you a special chip that cannot be cashed in, just put in play. When you win, you win real money, and you can keep playing with that special chip until you lose it. This is probably the most honest of all bonuses, give the gambler a decent incentive and let him play whatever he/she wants, and as long as he/she wants. I just wish they would make it a little more then $50 dollars, but perfect for blackjack and video poker players.
More tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Taking one step back
Today, I am finishing the remainder of repair my links. This was a task that took several days, and I am finally glad that I will now have time starting tomorrow write content to add content to my site. Despite my impressive rankings for "online bonuses" and "bonuses", my site still doesn't have any PR. I think a major reason is that many of the twelve pages that are indexed by Goo-gle are currently under construction and I suspect that they are waiting for me to add more before my PR kicks in. We'll see.
Thinking about it today, I may have bit off more then I can chew. I wanted to surf around the blogsphere and find my ten groupies, but it is becoming more of a task then I envisioned. Remember - only 10% percent of my time is supposed to be devoted to the blog; the other 90% is building my site. When I did look around at other blogs, I saw most were computer generated pages with the sole intent to gain search engine positioning, not to really provide content that others would find useful. I think their days are numbered. I am going to give the search engines, and the public what they want, real good information and real content. In the end, I believe it will all pay off.
Doing my link exchanges, I noticed many sites do not have a blog. I am going to approach those sites that don't have them about the groupie exchange. I think it would be easier for us newbies to band together rather then try and find a real person doing real blogging. Still, I am going to do my twenty reads of blogs a day to get ten visitors to my blog using BlogClicker. I will also continue to visit those two individuals' blogs who left comments yesterday, and hope they will come back.
Thinking about it today, I may have bit off more then I can chew. I wanted to surf around the blogsphere and find my ten groupies, but it is becoming more of a task then I envisioned. Remember - only 10% percent of my time is supposed to be devoted to the blog; the other 90% is building my site. When I did look around at other blogs, I saw most were computer generated pages with the sole intent to gain search engine positioning, not to really provide content that others would find useful. I think their days are numbered. I am going to give the search engines, and the public what they want, real good information and real content. In the end, I believe it will all pay off.
Doing my link exchanges, I noticed many sites do not have a blog. I am going to approach those sites that don't have them about the groupie exchange. I think it would be easier for us newbies to band together rather then try and find a real person doing real blogging. Still, I am going to do my twenty reads of blogs a day to get ten visitors to my blog using BlogClicker. I will also continue to visit those two individuals' blogs who left comments yesterday, and hope they will come back.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Will you please; won't you please, please won't you be, my groupie.
Well, I am very heartened by the response of two people visiting my blog and making a comment. I only searched for ten blogs, and made ten comments on each, and two people showed up here to post on my blog. So far, that's 20%. Not bad. In ten days or less, I should realize my goal to get ten permanent groupies or regulars to my site. I'll keep my end of the bargain, and be a regular on their blogs as well.
One point to keep in mind, you may get some early volunteers, people who will like the idea, but will eventually drop off. Being a rent-a-groupie is a small investment of time, even spending five minutes on each blog, times ten, is almost an hour burned. Now I think that is a good sacrifice because people spend a considerable amount of time writing on their own blogs that nobody ever sees, when they could get better results posting just a little less, and spending a bit more time reaching out to others. Anyway, your commitment level may not match your rent-a-groupie, and you should factor in losing a few due to attrition so you might have to blog hunt to find your groupies for a month before the dust settles, and you have your ten daily visitors to your blog. I will keep my promise and expect my partners to do the same, but give a little latitude, sometimes everyone gets sidetracked, groupies can always come by and revisit earlier posts and make comments if they miss a day or two.
One or two sentences comment is all it takes, as long as it is on topic to the blog post. Looking back yesterday, I could have done better. I was wanting to see if the initial response to the idea of the groupie exchange would be a positive one. Now that I know it is, I can participate better. Doesn't have to be anything really great, just a few words of your own (and my own) about each particular post we are responding to. Sometimes I use the sound recorder and online dictation to accomplish this. Everybody can throw their two cents in, and it really helps us all.
One comment on my blog was that another blog owner wanted 10,000 rent-a-groupies. I think 10,000 real groupies would be ideal, but if you had 10,000 rent-a-groupies, then you yourself would have to make 10,000 posts a day. That's too much, not enough time in the day to do that. With ten rent-a-groupies, you could reciprocate ten times, and that is much more reasonable and do-able. You want 10,000 "real" groupies, and then you are a rockstar! Your blog will be featured as the leading blog for your industry, and you are going to make some serious money,
I saw this in action when I was in network marketing. My first program I joined started with an "A" and ended in a "WAY". People accuse that company with being a cult. I saw sort of, I wouldn't classify it as a cult , but they do use very good behavior modification techniques. For example, each week there was a meeting for new prospective people for the business called an open. At the open meeting, they would describe the business and how it worked. It would be a very motivational and high pitch experience. But one strange thing I saw when I went, as an already recruited member, you were expected to attend these open meetings, even though you were already in the company. There might only be one or two new people, but you would have 50 people or so in the room. And the regulars would be taking notes. And they would themselves be participating. You would hear them agree in earnest about what the speaker was talking about, and have little sidebars talking to one another about "Man, this is great - WOW". And those real legitimate newcomers would often fall right in, since everyone else in the room was already "fired up". And if they see the man on their right taking notes, and the women on the left taking notes, and everyone is taking notes; - a pen and a pad of paper was thrust into their hands, and guess what, the new person would take notes; LOL seriously!! - not even being aware that the man or women on the right and left was already in, and has been to an open meeting at least a hundred times and could get up on the podium and starting giving the meeting themselves. People often follow the crowd, and in this example, it works very effectively in the decision making process.
So my theory knowing that from my networking past is that if you have enough posts to your blog, some real people will start to find their way to your blog, and see all these posts, and they will fall right in, and start making comments unsolicited. That will attract a few more and before you know it, you are becoming one of the more popular blogs on the net. And at that point, you blog takes on a life of its own - you just sit back and let it all play out. Now you're the expert, you are the leader people look to. Folks will hang on your every word as if it was gospel. You say "turn left", and they will turn left. You say "buy this" and they will buy, and not only will they buy, they will thank you for it; and they will even love you for it. See how it works? All because you got a few rent-a-groupies.
Here is a great example of a blog filled with groupies. It is a well attended blog. Now, I am NOT recommending his program. I did buy it before he started the blog, and I am a bit disappointed with it. DO NOT BUY! Just read the blog, and look at how many people commented on his postings
He doesn't even post to his own blog everyday. He's is a jerk, and he markets himself that way, and people fall all over for it. It's easy to be a jerk, everybody has a little jerk inside them, and for this guy, he's making money from that tendency. So he has some love mail, some hate mail, and no matter what, he has mail. Even those who hate him, are reading "his" blog. If you could get 30 plus posts a day to a regularly posted blog, you are on your way. You figure that for every post, at least ten times that amount of real people have read that blog. It's a GIMMICK, but people are eating it up. He's the number one eBook seller in his category, folks are hanging on to every word he is saying. And he is laughing his way to the bank - he gets to be a jerk and take their money - and many love him for that, Incredible. So if you find something that works, duplicate it. Don't copy being a jerk, just figure out how he does it, and incorporate your own personal template into it.
So I think the rent-a-groupie program will work. You still need your regular methods of promoting your blog, but I think the rent-a-groupie will enhance your efforts. We'll see.
One point to keep in mind, you may get some early volunteers, people who will like the idea, but will eventually drop off. Being a rent-a-groupie is a small investment of time, even spending five minutes on each blog, times ten, is almost an hour burned. Now I think that is a good sacrifice because people spend a considerable amount of time writing on their own blogs that nobody ever sees, when they could get better results posting just a little less, and spending a bit more time reaching out to others. Anyway, your commitment level may not match your rent-a-groupie, and you should factor in losing a few due to attrition so you might have to blog hunt to find your groupies for a month before the dust settles, and you have your ten daily visitors to your blog. I will keep my promise and expect my partners to do the same, but give a little latitude, sometimes everyone gets sidetracked, groupies can always come by and revisit earlier posts and make comments if they miss a day or two.
One or two sentences comment is all it takes, as long as it is on topic to the blog post. Looking back yesterday, I could have done better. I was wanting to see if the initial response to the idea of the groupie exchange would be a positive one. Now that I know it is, I can participate better. Doesn't have to be anything really great, just a few words of your own (and my own) about each particular post we are responding to. Sometimes I use the sound recorder and online dictation to accomplish this. Everybody can throw their two cents in, and it really helps us all.
One comment on my blog was that another blog owner wanted 10,000 rent-a-groupies. I think 10,000 real groupies would be ideal, but if you had 10,000 rent-a-groupies, then you yourself would have to make 10,000 posts a day. That's too much, not enough time in the day to do that. With ten rent-a-groupies, you could reciprocate ten times, and that is much more reasonable and do-able. You want 10,000 "real" groupies, and then you are a rockstar! Your blog will be featured as the leading blog for your industry, and you are going to make some serious money,
I saw this in action when I was in network marketing. My first program I joined started with an "A" and ended in a "WAY". People accuse that company with being a cult. I saw sort of, I wouldn't classify it as a cult , but they do use very good behavior modification techniques. For example, each week there was a meeting for new prospective people for the business called an open. At the open meeting, they would describe the business and how it worked. It would be a very motivational and high pitch experience. But one strange thing I saw when I went, as an already recruited member, you were expected to attend these open meetings, even though you were already in the company. There might only be one or two new people, but you would have 50 people or so in the room. And the regulars would be taking notes. And they would themselves be participating. You would hear them agree in earnest about what the speaker was talking about, and have little sidebars talking to one another about "Man, this is great - WOW". And those real legitimate newcomers would often fall right in, since everyone else in the room was already "fired up". And if they see the man on their right taking notes, and the women on the left taking notes, and everyone is taking notes; - a pen and a pad of paper was thrust into their hands, and guess what, the new person would take notes; LOL seriously!! - not even being aware that the man or women on the right and left was already in, and has been to an open meeting at least a hundred times and could get up on the podium and starting giving the meeting themselves. People often follow the crowd, and in this example, it works very effectively in the decision making process.
So my theory knowing that from my networking past is that if you have enough posts to your blog, some real people will start to find their way to your blog, and see all these posts, and they will fall right in, and start making comments unsolicited. That will attract a few more and before you know it, you are becoming one of the more popular blogs on the net. And at that point, you blog takes on a life of its own - you just sit back and let it all play out. Now you're the expert, you are the leader people look to. Folks will hang on your every word as if it was gospel. You say "turn left", and they will turn left. You say "buy this" and they will buy, and not only will they buy, they will thank you for it; and they will even love you for it. See how it works? All because you got a few rent-a-groupies.
Here is a great example of a blog filled with groupies. It is a well attended blog. Now, I am NOT recommending his program. I did buy it before he started the blog, and I am a bit disappointed with it. DO NOT BUY! Just read the blog, and look at how many people commented on his postings
He doesn't even post to his own blog everyday. He's is a jerk, and he markets himself that way, and people fall all over for it. It's easy to be a jerk, everybody has a little jerk inside them, and for this guy, he's making money from that tendency. So he has some love mail, some hate mail, and no matter what, he has mail. Even those who hate him, are reading "his" blog. If you could get 30 plus posts a day to a regularly posted blog, you are on your way. You figure that for every post, at least ten times that amount of real people have read that blog. It's a GIMMICK, but people are eating it up. He's the number one eBook seller in his category, folks are hanging on to every word he is saying. And he is laughing his way to the bank - he gets to be a jerk and take their money - and many love him for that, Incredible. So if you find something that works, duplicate it. Don't copy being a jerk, just figure out how he does it, and incorporate your own personal template into it.
So I think the rent-a-groupie program will work. You still need your regular methods of promoting your blog, but I think the rent-a-groupie will enhance your efforts. We'll see.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Groupies Wanted
What separates the more popular blogs from the ones nobody sees? Popularity. You got to be your own guru, and to do that, you need some groupies, people who regularly visit your blog and make comments on different words of wisdom you put forth.
Since in the beginning, you lack popularity, you may want to seek out less popular related blogs, and ask the owner if he/she would be winning to do a groupie exchange. You visit my blog regularly, and make a comment post, and I will be your groupie on your blog; being there to edify you and thank you for your wisdom, and telling you how right you are, and maybe interjecting a point here or there.
The objective behind the groupie exchange is that if you get enough rent-a-groupies, then some real ones will eventually come along. It's all about building synergy. Getting that motor running so that your blog takes on a life of its own. That is the whole point of the blogs, the websites, the link exchanges - to develop creditability and establish ourselves as an authority in our chosen field. If you get enough cheerleaders, great opportunities will emerge and the money will follow.
So here's my proposal, and I am going blog hunting this week. I need ten groupie members in my inner circle. Those that agree, on their blog, I will be a regular participate till the end of time (or forever long they keep their blog current with new posts), and in exchange, they will be my groupie member on my site. I'll report back here how it works. The very worst that could happen is we might just make a few friends.
Since in the beginning, you lack popularity, you may want to seek out less popular related blogs, and ask the owner if he/she would be winning to do a groupie exchange. You visit my blog regularly, and make a comment post, and I will be your groupie on your blog; being there to edify you and thank you for your wisdom, and telling you how right you are, and maybe interjecting a point here or there.
The objective behind the groupie exchange is that if you get enough rent-a-groupies, then some real ones will eventually come along. It's all about building synergy. Getting that motor running so that your blog takes on a life of its own. That is the whole point of the blogs, the websites, the link exchanges - to develop creditability and establish ourselves as an authority in our chosen field. If you get enough cheerleaders, great opportunities will emerge and the money will follow.
So here's my proposal, and I am going blog hunting this week. I need ten groupie members in my inner circle. Those that agree, on their blog, I will be a regular participate till the end of time (or forever long they keep their blog current with new posts), and in exchange, they will be my groupie member on my site. I'll report back here how it works. The very worst that could happen is we might just make a few friends.
About Poker
I am nearly completed rebuilding all my links. Still just a few more to go. I was lazy on Saturday, and spent much of the day playing poker - for research purposes, of course.
Poker is an extremely addictive game. You could be up or down very fast, or it can drag on back and forth for hours. A good poker site offering bonuses typically awards you based on how much you play and for how long. As time goes on, you accumulate more points, and that means you are making a little money on the side, provided you are not taking a beating in the rooms.
My suggestion for playing poker; do not spend a whole lot of time trying to find a strategy on the net. Just get the basic rules of the game down, and practice, more practice, and keep on practicing. Strategy is like clothes, just because it works for somebody else doesn't mean it will work for you. You need your own system. You can do this by downloading a poker program and playing in a free play room. Here you learn the game without any risk. Yeah, it's different when no money is involved, but you will still gain experience in play by going there first. When you're ready to graduate to actually gambling, go to the penny rooms, with limits - not the no limit rooms and work you're way up. Poker is a self control game, and you need to be totally in control of your emotions before you play. Losing pennies doesn't hurt as much as losing dollars.
One other thing to keep in mind, from time to time, but almost certainly, you will run across some obnoxious, immature, grown up babies. They will get mad at you because they will lose or not like your style of play. The heck with them I say, you play the way you feel most comfortable. Some do this to through you off your game. Don't let them. Stay focus, and if you're winning, keep winning by staying to your own system. Best advice is do not respond or say anything to them. Ignore them. You should not speak at all in the chat portion of the poker site other then to say hello, goodbye, "nh" which means nice hand when you lose, and "ty" when someone else gives you a "nh". This is not about socializing, if you want to make friends, go to a real chat room where betting is not involved. Keep your mind in the game.
Poker is an extremely addictive game. You could be up or down very fast, or it can drag on back and forth for hours. A good poker site offering bonuses typically awards you based on how much you play and for how long. As time goes on, you accumulate more points, and that means you are making a little money on the side, provided you are not taking a beating in the rooms.
My suggestion for playing poker; do not spend a whole lot of time trying to find a strategy on the net. Just get the basic rules of the game down, and practice, more practice, and keep on practicing. Strategy is like clothes, just because it works for somebody else doesn't mean it will work for you. You need your own system. You can do this by downloading a poker program and playing in a free play room. Here you learn the game without any risk. Yeah, it's different when no money is involved, but you will still gain experience in play by going there first. When you're ready to graduate to actually gambling, go to the penny rooms, with limits - not the no limit rooms and work you're way up. Poker is a self control game, and you need to be totally in control of your emotions before you play. Losing pennies doesn't hurt as much as losing dollars.
One other thing to keep in mind, from time to time, but almost certainly, you will run across some obnoxious, immature, grown up babies. They will get mad at you because they will lose or not like your style of play. The heck with them I say, you play the way you feel most comfortable. Some do this to through you off your game. Don't let them. Stay focus, and if you're winning, keep winning by staying to your own system. Best advice is do not respond or say anything to them. Ignore them. You should not speak at all in the chat portion of the poker site other then to say hello, goodbye, "nh" which means nice hand when you lose, and "ty" when someone else gives you a "nh". This is not about socializing, if you want to make friends, go to a real chat room where betting is not involved. Keep your mind in the game.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Bonuses: Bad deal or Good Deal?
Bonuses: Bad deal or Good Deal?
Some bonuses are not really bonuses at all. They are all advertised in a way to entice you to visit the casino, sportsbook, or poker site to try and get you to make your first initial deposit. You only figure out when it is time to cash out, if you actually have money to cash out, that you often fail to meet the minimum requirements to get the bonus so heavily advertised and promised to you beforehand. Essentially what they are telling you is to go take a hike.
I have heard of casinos not even honoring to pay out the initial deposit of a new customer, let alone bonuses and winnings. Those big catchy banners promising you so much for so little often have a catch, like you must gamble fifty times your deposit
and awarded bonus before you can cash out, and that you can only play slots, and that your bonus will be deducted from cash out. Come to find out that it is no bonus at all, just a gimmick borderline scam to get you to make a deposit.
But there are some honest operators out there. True, they do have to protect themselves against the bonus abuser who would make a quick deposit, play for an hour, and cash out with the bonus. That is not what the program is intended for. The good operators all have realistic requirements that are easy to meet for real people who like to gamble, not for freeloaders trying to rob the gambling sites. will separate the hype and give you honest recommendations on which sites are the best and read all the fine print so you don’t have to. We will tell you in advance which places offer what and what they expect in return. It can be a win-win situation for everybody. If you ever encounter a problem with a gambling site recommended by us, you can use the feedback link and we’ll try and help you resolve the problem. If we feel that the gambling site has not been fair or responsive, we’ll yank them off our site. Gambling sites have been known to concede when affiliates step in because affiliates are the lifeblood of their operation. If negative press gets around that they are not being fair, or even the perception of impropriety exists, their own business could be in big trouble. They are not going to risk that over a single customer and his/her grievance.
Here are some suggested articles for your reading pleasure:
How to properly cash out your casino bonus.
Understanding Fraud in Online Casinos.
How to manage loss so you can win the next time.
Web-based or Download? You decide!
Some bonuses are not really bonuses at all. They are all advertised in a way to entice you to visit the casino, sportsbook, or poker site to try and get you to make your first initial deposit. You only figure out when it is time to cash out, if you actually have money to cash out, that you often fail to meet the minimum requirements to get the bonus so heavily advertised and promised to you beforehand. Essentially what they are telling you is to go take a hike.
I have heard of casinos not even honoring to pay out the initial deposit of a new customer, let alone bonuses and winnings. Those big catchy banners promising you so much for so little often have a catch, like you must gamble fifty times your deposit
and awarded bonus before you can cash out, and that you can only play slots, and that your bonus will be deducted from cash out. Come to find out that it is no bonus at all, just a gimmick borderline scam to get you to make a deposit.
But there are some honest operators out there. True, they do have to protect themselves against the bonus abuser who would make a quick deposit, play for an hour, and cash out with the bonus. That is not what the program is intended for. The good operators all have realistic requirements that are easy to meet for real people who like to gamble, not for freeloaders trying to rob the gambling sites. will separate the hype and give you honest recommendations on which sites are the best and read all the fine print so you don’t have to. We will tell you in advance which places offer what and what they expect in return. It can be a win-win situation for everybody. If you ever encounter a problem with a gambling site recommended by us, you can use the feedback link and we’ll try and help you resolve the problem. If we feel that the gambling site has not been fair or responsive, we’ll yank them off our site. Gambling sites have been known to concede when affiliates step in because affiliates are the lifeblood of their operation. If negative press gets around that they are not being fair, or even the perception of impropriety exists, their own business could be in big trouble. They are not going to risk that over a single customer and his/her grievance.
Here are some suggested articles for your reading pleasure:
How to properly cash out your casino bonus.
Understanding Fraud in Online Casinos.
How to manage loss so you can win the next time.
Web-based or Download? You decide!
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Feeling Guilty.
Ok, I missed my goal today, I needed to continue the rebuilding of my links, but I was distracted. I spent a considerable amount of time at In case you don't know, DMOZ is the granddaddy of all search engines. Unlike all the major search engines, Goo-gle, Yah-oo, and MS-N, DMOZ is a human edited search engine, all submissions are reviewed manually, and only a few get in. While most people who are your rank and file user have no idea about DMOZ, just about every webmaster does. Inclusion into this directory can boost your creditability and search engine position wildly. But getting in means your site has to have real value, not some cheap affiliate site - something folks searching in your submitted category will find useful. They do not accept uncompleted sites, so I have a ways to go before I can submit my site. But if you manage to get in, your efforts in getting up in the other big engines can increase very dramatically. DMOZ is sort of the American Express of search engines, getting a listing here will benefit you greatly.
I also thought about volunteering to become one of their human editors, but I decided to wait because I don't want the appearance of a conflict of interest. And besides, I need the time to focus on making my site better. But it is something I do believe in, and it really helps push the more useful sites to their deserved top positions in addition to helping searchers find the information they are looking for.
That is my primary goal, to make my site not an affiliate portal, but a resource for the prospective gambler to obtain the best possible bonus he/she can obtain with minimal requirements. Sure, I want to make money, but I don't want to be obvious about it. I want my visitors to get an education on bonuses and find the site useful. I will always place the welfare of my visitors before profits. I have big plans for the future on where I want to take the site, but for now, it's all baby steps.
I am still encouraged by my initial placement in Goo-gle. I want other lead positions in other search terms, but I will gladly accept it as a start. I also found out today that we are also in the number one position in MS-M for "Online Bonuses" and number six for the general term "bonuses". This is great, especially since I haven't even really finished building the site the way I want it. Look out, it's only going to get better.
Well, I need to really dig into the link repair project tomorrow, because I need to free up the time to continue building the site.
I also thought about volunteering to become one of their human editors, but I decided to wait because I don't want the appearance of a conflict of interest. And besides, I need the time to focus on making my site better. But it is something I do believe in, and it really helps push the more useful sites to their deserved top positions in addition to helping searchers find the information they are looking for.
That is my primary goal, to make my site not an affiliate portal, but a resource for the prospective gambler to obtain the best possible bonus he/she can obtain with minimal requirements. Sure, I want to make money, but I don't want to be obvious about it. I want my visitors to get an education on bonuses and find the site useful. I will always place the welfare of my visitors before profits. I have big plans for the future on where I want to take the site, but for now, it's all baby steps.
I am still encouraged by my initial placement in Goo-gle. I want other lead positions in other search terms, but I will gladly accept it as a start. I also found out today that we are also in the number one position in MS-M for "Online Bonuses" and number six for the general term "bonuses". This is great, especially since I haven't even really finished building the site the way I want it. Look out, it's only going to get better.
Well, I need to really dig into the link repair project tomorrow, because I need to free up the time to continue building the site.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
We're Number One!!!
Just a quick update because I am very tired. I am elated to discover that is ranked #1, that's right, number one, as of this date and time for the search term "online bonuses"! We are also currently #15 for the term "bonuses" on page two! Keep in mind, although we have several hundred link partners, we are still so new, that we still don't have any PR yet. Of course, I would like the term "online casino bonuses", which is the money catch phrase I am shooting for. That will be a lot more competitive, but for now, I will savor the small step of getting #1 in our root URL name.
So if you are a prospective link partner with a high PR and are on the fence about exchanging links with us, hopefully this will prove that we have potential. And we still haven't finished our site yet. I did get over one hundred hits yesterday, and while many were mine, I know not all of them were. SO we are on board, and early progress is encouraging.
I put some spit and polish into some of my existing articles, and added ten more contributed articles to the site. Tomorrow, I need to get back to work restoring the links. I hope to have all the links restored by weekend.
So if you are a prospective link partner with a high PR and are on the fence about exchanging links with us, hopefully this will prove that we have potential. And we still haven't finished our site yet. I did get over one hundred hits yesterday, and while many were mine, I know not all of them were. SO we are on board, and early progress is encouraging.
I put some spit and polish into some of my existing articles, and added ten more contributed articles to the site. Tomorrow, I need to get back to work restoring the links. I hope to have all the links restored by weekend.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Rebuilding the links
Well, today I continue for like the fifth day in a row rebuilding my casino bonus link exchanges, trying to put all the links back on my site before I lose the exchanges. What was supposed to be a fully automated system has become quite an rigorous process of getting everything restored. My fault, the instructions told me not to do that, but who reads instructions?
So I have to backtrack and accomplish all this now, before I continue the building my site. I haven't even had a chance to add my affiliate links in yet. Link building and content generation take first priority, because what good is all that without traffic?
I also got a copy of Microsoft Money Small Business. I need to get organized to better document all my business expenses for next year. That is another task I am not looking forward to. Hopefully I can salvage all my receipts I spent last year and make it better organized. I hear Uncle Sam targets many small home based businesses, and I want to be prepared to explain myself with evidence should the need ever arise. I think Microsoft Money will help me do just that for this year and the coming years.
It is really easy to lose focus. Today, a friend from called me with a very cool looking telephone dialer system. It's got a hefty price tag, but oh I sure could have used something like that when I was in network marketing. I think it could really make the difference, and I was tempted to buy it for future use. But I reminded myself to stay on track with my goal. Opportunities always seem to creep up on you when you are already engaged in your singular goal. My goal now is my website, making it the very best it can be; once this is successful, I can move on to even greater things. But I have given myself five years to make this thing work.
One thing I noticed when I was rebuilding my links, something I didn't and wouldn't see with the automated process LinkMetro has. You would not believe how many "derelict" gambling websites there are! I mean, my gosh, just about 90% of the web partners I visited have half baked websites; like they started in and just let it go. Some even have some good PR. Amazing. The going got tough and they just quit, or got sidetracked. Is the industry saturated ? Not even close! You just have to ride it out. People want immediate gratification, they want results in a few weeks. Doesn't happen building websites. I don't expect to make any money for at least a year, and that is a year of actively doing work, at least on average of three hours everyday, give or take. My first four years, I will reinvest all the profits into expanding the site, I will not take one dime for personal profit out of it until the fifth year. But on that fifth year, my goal is to be financially independent. That fifth year, I want the website to take on a life of it's own, and make me money when I am out on the beach. All the hard works comes now, and the rewards come much later. Five years seems like a long time, but do you remember what you were doing five years ago? You could be five years older from today or wealthy if you stick with your goals and not go after the fast buck, and even five years of hard work seems fast to me for a lifetime of good living.
Here are some recommended articles for today.
Basic Strategy in BlackJack.
Introduction into Successful Poker Play.
Introduction into Successful Online Sportsbook Play.
I need to remind all the visitors to my blog, that gambling may not be legal in your area where you reside. Everything I write about is for informational purposes only.
So I have to backtrack and accomplish all this now, before I continue the building my site. I haven't even had a chance to add my affiliate links in yet. Link building and content generation take first priority, because what good is all that without traffic?
I also got a copy of Microsoft Money Small Business. I need to get organized to better document all my business expenses for next year. That is another task I am not looking forward to. Hopefully I can salvage all my receipts I spent last year and make it better organized. I hear Uncle Sam targets many small home based businesses, and I want to be prepared to explain myself with evidence should the need ever arise. I think Microsoft Money will help me do just that for this year and the coming years.
It is really easy to lose focus. Today, a friend from called me with a very cool looking telephone dialer system. It's got a hefty price tag, but oh I sure could have used something like that when I was in network marketing. I think it could really make the difference, and I was tempted to buy it for future use. But I reminded myself to stay on track with my goal. Opportunities always seem to creep up on you when you are already engaged in your singular goal. My goal now is my website, making it the very best it can be; once this is successful, I can move on to even greater things. But I have given myself five years to make this thing work.
One thing I noticed when I was rebuilding my links, something I didn't and wouldn't see with the automated process LinkMetro has. You would not believe how many "derelict" gambling websites there are! I mean, my gosh, just about 90% of the web partners I visited have half baked websites; like they started in and just let it go. Some even have some good PR. Amazing. The going got tough and they just quit, or got sidetracked. Is the industry saturated ? Not even close! You just have to ride it out. People want immediate gratification, they want results in a few weeks. Doesn't happen building websites. I don't expect to make any money for at least a year, and that is a year of actively doing work, at least on average of three hours everyday, give or take. My first four years, I will reinvest all the profits into expanding the site, I will not take one dime for personal profit out of it until the fifth year. But on that fifth year, my goal is to be financially independent. That fifth year, I want the website to take on a life of it's own, and make me money when I am out on the beach. All the hard works comes now, and the rewards come much later. Five years seems like a long time, but do you remember what you were doing five years ago? You could be five years older from today or wealthy if you stick with your goals and not go after the fast buck, and even five years of hard work seems fast to me for a lifetime of good living.
Here are some recommended articles for today.
Basic Strategy in BlackJack.
Introduction into Successful Poker Play.
Introduction into Successful Online Sportsbook Play.
I need to remind all the visitors to my blog, that gambling may not be legal in your area where you reside. Everything I write about is for informational purposes only.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Blogging right along...
I'm getting more used to blogging, this being my fourth day. I am beginning to see the logic behind the concept. I can better collect my thoughts, and go back and see what I am doing and how I am progressing. Kind of like my Captain's log. Also good for tax purposes. I can show that each day I have worked on my casino affiliate "business", and prove that it is indeed a business and not a hobby. Each day will be a summary of what I have done, what my goals are. Perhaps this too will help serve new affiliates who are also starting the casino affiliate journey.
Well, today, I am trying to unscrew my screw-up. When I changed hosting companies, I messed up my LinkMetro database, and lost all my links. Now I have to go back and manually try to add them all back in so I don't lose all my link partners. There were several hundred links in that database, and I know who they are, just now I have to manually do everything because I screwed up. I do need those link exchanges to build my PR, which will drive my search engine placement, at least in the future it will. My goal is to spend 50% of my time writing content, 40% of my time building link exchanges, and 10% of my time for everything else (writing my blog included). I will say I have spent an upfront investment of my time, as I want links connected to me to "age", many speculate that an aged link helps out a lot. We'll see.
I also encountered a good site full of free casino content at I took a break from my link rebuilding, and help myself to as many goodies as I could. I am always interested in free web content. You can incorporate the free content into your site and build on it. I said build on it, most of the time you are not permitted to edit the article. I have on my site a main pane, and a side bar. I import the contributed articles in the main pane, and do not touch or edit them in anyway to comply with the editors wishes (they do it for the link included at the end of each article). But the sidebar is mine, and I can add advertising, keywords, or my own writing. I like to add my "two cents" to each article, as if I am writing a summary of the article, and perhaps interjecting a few points of my own into my article. I have heard that the search engines normally read a site left to right, so my sidebar pane is located on the left. Goodie for me! I think just importing an article from somewhere else without any other content will not help sufficiently, using the side bar pane I think will work. We'll see.
Here are a few articles about poker you may find interesting:
How to enter free poker contests
Fairplay in online poker
Summary of Poker Bonuses
Well, today, I am trying to unscrew my screw-up. When I changed hosting companies, I messed up my LinkMetro database, and lost all my links. Now I have to go back and manually try to add them all back in so I don't lose all my link partners. There were several hundred links in that database, and I know who they are, just now I have to manually do everything because I screwed up. I do need those link exchanges to build my PR, which will drive my search engine placement, at least in the future it will. My goal is to spend 50% of my time writing content, 40% of my time building link exchanges, and 10% of my time for everything else (writing my blog included). I will say I have spent an upfront investment of my time, as I want links connected to me to "age", many speculate that an aged link helps out a lot. We'll see.
I also encountered a good site full of free casino content at I took a break from my link rebuilding, and help myself to as many goodies as I could. I am always interested in free web content. You can incorporate the free content into your site and build on it. I said build on it, most of the time you are not permitted to edit the article. I have on my site a main pane, and a side bar. I import the contributed articles in the main pane, and do not touch or edit them in anyway to comply with the editors wishes (they do it for the link included at the end of each article). But the sidebar is mine, and I can add advertising, keywords, or my own writing. I like to add my "two cents" to each article, as if I am writing a summary of the article, and perhaps interjecting a few points of my own into my article. I have heard that the search engines normally read a site left to right, so my sidebar pane is located on the left. Goodie for me! I think just importing an article from somewhere else without any other content will not help sufficiently, using the side bar pane I think will work. We'll see.
Here are a few articles about poker you may find interesting:
How to enter free poker contests
Fairplay in online poker
Summary of Poker Bonuses
Sunday, January 08, 2006
A good hosting company with dedicated ip address
What you first need to begin your online gambling affiliate site is a good isp. A big mistake I think many people make is that they believe they have to spend money to get results. That is half true, yes money can make money, but so can time make money. You can also waste both time and money making wrong decisions.
A see a whole lot of garbage passed off like it is the greatest thing in the world and absolutely necessary when if fact it is useless, and just a waste of time and money. You could achieve better results just going it on your own without many "experts" help.
But sometimes you should break down and spend a little. It's knowing where to spend it that is the best.
Like an hosting company for example. There are tons of hosting companies out there. Which do you choose? It is easy to be lured in with price. But look at all the variables involved. How much bandwidth do you get? How much drive space is included? How long does it take to get set up? What kinds of features do you get (mysql, etc)? Is technical support really there? How fast is the host? Do they offer FrontPage extensions? etc etc.
Going into building my online bonuses, I had gone through a number of hosts until I arrived at one I am satisfied and happy with. I won't mention their names, just the host I am happiest about.
The first host was ok - , but for some reason I had a very hard time getting my site indexed in Google. Tech support was slow in answering my emails, and phone support - I got a recorded message. I'm a bit of a night owl, and like to be able to get support immediately. The final drive was I wanted my own unique ip. Most hosting companies will neglect to share the fact that the ip address your domain will be running off of is shared out to as many as hundreds or thousands of other domain names. One bad domain name could cause problems. It also slows your site down. Of course, those hosting companies that tell you this will claim that it is a myth. Well, I am superstitious, so I want my own domain ip free and clear of anybody else. As soon as I made the change, I saw my site indexed almost immediately. Coincidence? Perhaps, but I sleep better at night.
Have you check to see if your domain is operating on its own ip? Just go to and type without the http and www your domain name and the extension (.com .net .org etc), you will see a grid, click on the x that is for your extension if it comes up, then you will get a lot of nifty information about your site. Now find the IP address of your domain. There is a hyperlink there, click on it. You may have to register for free to see the results. If more then one record of domain is there, you will see only three names, but that should tell you if you are on a shared domain. Type in and see that I am the only domain occupying that ip number. So you need to decide if it is worth it. Maybe it is all for naught, but you can also check out your competition, and I can tell you almost always that the top domains in the search engines seemed to be on their own ip. You decide.
I did find a good hosting company, 24 hour real support, very fast, all the great features, and everybody gets their own ip. Everybody. AJT offers very competitive prices, and outstanding features. When you visit, check out their tour of facilities. Very impressive. So you could spend the same amount of money at Mr. Cheapo or you can for the same money get a world class provider. This is a true find.
Some recommended articles:
Gambling Jokes
Did you know these Gambling Facts?
Comps, an extra Bonus
A see a whole lot of garbage passed off like it is the greatest thing in the world and absolutely necessary when if fact it is useless, and just a waste of time and money. You could achieve better results just going it on your own without many "experts" help.
But sometimes you should break down and spend a little. It's knowing where to spend it that is the best.
Like an hosting company for example. There are tons of hosting companies out there. Which do you choose? It is easy to be lured in with price. But look at all the variables involved. How much bandwidth do you get? How much drive space is included? How long does it take to get set up? What kinds of features do you get (mysql, etc)? Is technical support really there? How fast is the host? Do they offer FrontPage extensions? etc etc.
Going into building my online bonuses, I had gone through a number of hosts until I arrived at one I am satisfied and happy with. I won't mention their names, just the host I am happiest about.
The first host was ok - , but for some reason I had a very hard time getting my site indexed in Google. Tech support was slow in answering my emails, and phone support - I got a recorded message. I'm a bit of a night owl, and like to be able to get support immediately. The final drive was I wanted my own unique ip. Most hosting companies will neglect to share the fact that the ip address your domain will be running off of is shared out to as many as hundreds or thousands of other domain names. One bad domain name could cause problems. It also slows your site down. Of course, those hosting companies that tell you this will claim that it is a myth. Well, I am superstitious, so I want my own domain ip free and clear of anybody else. As soon as I made the change, I saw my site indexed almost immediately. Coincidence? Perhaps, but I sleep better at night.
Have you check to see if your domain is operating on its own ip? Just go to and type without the http and www your domain name and the extension (.com .net .org etc), you will see a grid, click on the x that is for your extension if it comes up, then you will get a lot of nifty information about your site. Now find the IP address of your domain. There is a hyperlink there, click on it. You may have to register for free to see the results. If more then one record of domain is there, you will see only three names, but that should tell you if you are on a shared domain. Type in and see that I am the only domain occupying that ip number. So you need to decide if it is worth it. Maybe it is all for naught, but you can also check out your competition, and I can tell you almost always that the top domains in the search engines seemed to be on their own ip. You decide.
I did find a good hosting company, 24 hour real support, very fast, all the great features, and everybody gets their own ip. Everybody. AJT offers very competitive prices, and outstanding features. When you visit, check out their tour of facilities. Very impressive. So you could spend the same amount of money at Mr. Cheapo or you can for the same money get a world class provider. This is a true find.
Some recommended articles:
Gambling Jokes
Did you know these Gambling Facts?
Comps, an extra Bonus
Saturday, January 07, 2006
How it started
Ok, I am going to back track a bit and bring you to the beginning. My first objective when putting together my online bonuses site was to get the proper knowledge necessary to take me to the top. I had some ideas, but I lacked a good system, and needed some help. I purchased a whole lot of garbage, and went through a very time consuming process. I will let you know what I discovered. I discovered only two books worthy of making a purchase.
Before you do anything in affiliate marketing, you need to have a good idea of how stuff works, and do the right things to take you to where you want to go. You need a plan and a system. Investing a little in your education from others who have been there and done that is essential. But I will admit that there is a whole lot of crap out there, and people try to pass of junk you don't need with a lot of slick spit and polish. You don't need all that, just the essentials. There are two eBooks you need to get started. They are both 100% risk free, if you don't agree or think you won't use, then by all means, get your money back. But I will tell you, I think they are worth every single penny. But be careful, you make money following a successful system, not buying eBook after eBook.
I was always interested in affiliate marketing, and have been an online student of the James Martell course. I purchased this course back in 2002, and let me tell you, it is perhaps the best eBook I ever bought. If there is only one eBook I recommend, I recommend Martell's. He is not some kind of self concocted guru, but somebody who really makes a living through affiliate marketing, and a good living at that. What he teaches is exactly what you need to do step by step. This is a must have in your collection, and if you could only afford one course, this would be the one to buy. It is completely risk free, if it doesn't work for you, you get every penny back without any argument (I never buy eBooks unless there is a guarantee, I don't like to waste money on stuff I'll never use).
The only thing I disagree with is that Martell does not think you should get started as a casino affiliate because of the very heavy competition. I disagree, because while there are a lot of affiliates out there, take a good look at their sites, most suck. There is a big need for real content rich sites, and if you start building your own gambling related affiliate site, sooner or later it will pay off if you keep on at it. Just a single new customer to a recommended casino can bring you a nice paycheck for months or even years to come.
There is another eBook that is surprisingly very good. I told you, I don't pay for information I cannot or will not use, I have no problem asking for an immediate refund if I don't like what I am reading, and encourage everybody else to do the same. Most eBook publishers think that you will be too lazy to go through the trouble to apply for a refund, but I know that a few minutes sending an email, and a follow up later going to the payment processor is all it takes, and is worth my time. The good gambling affiliate book, Casino Affiliate Secrets, is an awesome recourse that is very comprehensive and is totally focused on gambling affiliates. With Martell's book, this is the one two punch needed to get you started.
Here are a few other articles on my site that may help.
How Online Casinos can afford to pay out huge bonuses
How to start your own affliate gambling website
Good Gambling Recordkeeping
Before you do anything in affiliate marketing, you need to have a good idea of how stuff works, and do the right things to take you to where you want to go. You need a plan and a system. Investing a little in your education from others who have been there and done that is essential. But I will admit that there is a whole lot of crap out there, and people try to pass of junk you don't need with a lot of slick spit and polish. You don't need all that, just the essentials. There are two eBooks you need to get started. They are both 100% risk free, if you don't agree or think you won't use, then by all means, get your money back. But I will tell you, I think they are worth every single penny. But be careful, you make money following a successful system, not buying eBook after eBook.
I was always interested in affiliate marketing, and have been an online student of the James Martell course. I purchased this course back in 2002, and let me tell you, it is perhaps the best eBook I ever bought. If there is only one eBook I recommend, I recommend Martell's. He is not some kind of self concocted guru, but somebody who really makes a living through affiliate marketing, and a good living at that. What he teaches is exactly what you need to do step by step. This is a must have in your collection, and if you could only afford one course, this would be the one to buy. It is completely risk free, if it doesn't work for you, you get every penny back without any argument (I never buy eBooks unless there is a guarantee, I don't like to waste money on stuff I'll never use).
The only thing I disagree with is that Martell does not think you should get started as a casino affiliate because of the very heavy competition. I disagree, because while there are a lot of affiliates out there, take a good look at their sites, most suck. There is a big need for real content rich sites, and if you start building your own gambling related affiliate site, sooner or later it will pay off if you keep on at it. Just a single new customer to a recommended casino can bring you a nice paycheck for months or even years to come.
There is another eBook that is surprisingly very good. I told you, I don't pay for information I cannot or will not use, I have no problem asking for an immediate refund if I don't like what I am reading, and encourage everybody else to do the same. Most eBook publishers think that you will be too lazy to go through the trouble to apply for a refund, but I know that a few minutes sending an email, and a follow up later going to the payment processor is all it takes, and is worth my time. The good gambling affiliate book, Casino Affiliate Secrets, is an awesome recourse that is very comprehensive and is totally focused on gambling affiliates. With Martell's book, this is the one two punch needed to get you started.
Here are a few other articles on my site that may help.
How Online Casinos can afford to pay out huge bonuses
How to start your own affliate gambling website
Good Gambling Recordkeeping
Friday, January 06, 2006
My first blog post
Well, I finally decided to break down and try blogging. Everybody else is doing it, so I might as well jump on the bandwagon. I would like to try and chronicle my new site,
I am very proud of the site so far, there is not much there, but already I have made very good progress. I hope to be able to eventually become a major player in the online gambling arena and become the ultimate bonus authority for online gambling.
I chose bonuses because I myself was originally mystified about all the money that casinos, poker sites, and sports books "claim" to give away. There were several ebooks published about how to rob the casinos, and maybe for a time it worked, but now they have really cracked down. And they sometimes crack down so hard, it affects real gamblers and causes them to lose even more money then had they not gotten any bonus at all. Many bonuses are not bonuses at all, just a promotional "gimmick" to keep the player in the game longer, because ultimately, if you are forced to play longer then you want to, the odds are heavily in the casinos favor that they will be taking all your cash.
So my website will cut through all the smoke and mirrors, and all the cute banners and ads, and only recommend the best bonuses, you know, the ones that really pay out with the laziest terms possible. Gambling bonuses are still a good deal, but any serious gambler needs to do their homework, or they can skip the homework and come directly to my site, which will give them solid recommendations without regard to affiliate profit.
Speaking of affiliate profit, I am not ashamed to take a profit, but only if it is win win for everybody. I want my visitors to get a good deal, and I will take a low paying gambling site that pays excellent bonuses over one pays the best but really hurts the customer. Your typical casino portal will do this without batting an eye. I also want to help folks interested in starting their own affiliate website. I figure that by helping others, they in turn will visit my site and maybe even try a few poker programs, sportsbooks, or casinos (I have never heard of anybody claiming their own affiliate commission). Some programs even give you a small percentage on the earnings of affiliates that you recommend, but it admittdly a very small one.
So why a casino site? Isn't the market kind of saturated? Well, yes it is, but take a good look at most sites and you will see that while the market is saturated, their is a lack in my opinion in content rich sites. Stuff that actually helps the potential gambler get educated and would enjoy returning to again and again. That is my goal. That is why I am going to be on top. Because I want my site to be the best for the customer.
I will post more about my sites development in the coming days. Meanwhile, if your really interested in learning more about online bonuses, please check out some of these selected articles.
Bonus offers differ greatly. Knowning which one to choose will save you time and money. Read this article to learn more.
Actually redeeming your bonus. Signing up is not enough.
Bonus offers all pretty much all different and usually aways unique. This article explains the differences between the different offers and how you can benefit.
I am very proud of the site so far, there is not much there, but already I have made very good progress. I hope to be able to eventually become a major player in the online gambling arena and become the ultimate bonus authority for online gambling.
I chose bonuses because I myself was originally mystified about all the money that casinos, poker sites, and sports books "claim" to give away. There were several ebooks published about how to rob the casinos, and maybe for a time it worked, but now they have really cracked down. And they sometimes crack down so hard, it affects real gamblers and causes them to lose even more money then had they not gotten any bonus at all. Many bonuses are not bonuses at all, just a promotional "gimmick" to keep the player in the game longer, because ultimately, if you are forced to play longer then you want to, the odds are heavily in the casinos favor that they will be taking all your cash.
So my website will cut through all the smoke and mirrors, and all the cute banners and ads, and only recommend the best bonuses, you know, the ones that really pay out with the laziest terms possible. Gambling bonuses are still a good deal, but any serious gambler needs to do their homework, or they can skip the homework and come directly to my site, which will give them solid recommendations without regard to affiliate profit.
Speaking of affiliate profit, I am not ashamed to take a profit, but only if it is win win for everybody. I want my visitors to get a good deal, and I will take a low paying gambling site that pays excellent bonuses over one pays the best but really hurts the customer. Your typical casino portal will do this without batting an eye. I also want to help folks interested in starting their own affiliate website. I figure that by helping others, they in turn will visit my site and maybe even try a few poker programs, sportsbooks, or casinos (I have never heard of anybody claiming their own affiliate commission). Some programs even give you a small percentage on the earnings of affiliates that you recommend, but it admittdly a very small one.
So why a casino site? Isn't the market kind of saturated? Well, yes it is, but take a good look at most sites and you will see that while the market is saturated, their is a lack in my opinion in content rich sites. Stuff that actually helps the potential gambler get educated and would enjoy returning to again and again. That is my goal. That is why I am going to be on top. Because I want my site to be the best for the customer.
I will post more about my sites development in the coming days. Meanwhile, if your really interested in learning more about online bonuses, please check out some of these selected articles.
Bonus offers differ greatly. Knowning which one to choose will save you time and money. Read this article to learn more.
Actually redeeming your bonus. Signing up is not enough.
Bonus offers all pretty much all different and usually aways unique. This article explains the differences between the different offers and how you can benefit.
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